Finding Elizabeth Read online

Page 10

  “She loves bringing me presents, anything on the floor or within reach, Bubbles will bring it to me, saves me from having to bend over. She’s such a sweetheart.”

  “Oh.” Katherine nodded.

  “You’re not going to break that habit in a hurry.” Leandra told her.

  Rosy cheeks and a happy face made Peggy look years younger. Everyone was in high spirits. Not wanting to intrude, Katherine and Leandra waited. Aileen caught sight of them and wandered over, dodging wheelchairs, seats and tables.

  “Hi, good to see you.” Aileen drew Katherine in for a hug and kissed her on both cheeks. After introductions, she said, “It’s good you’re here. I’ve been meaning to ring. We need to talk, come through to reception.”

  They sat in the small nook near the sparkling Christmas tree. The news had to be good; Aileen couldn’t stop grinning.

  “In their last meeting the board talked about introducing a pet therapy program.”

  Katherine’s stomach clenched. Did they want to take Bubbles? Were they going to allow Peggy to have Bubbles? Shit, that’s great, but shit. She tried to smile, but her face must’ve looked a little panicky.

  Aileen quickly added, “Don’t look so worried.” She placed her hand on Katherine’s arm. “We’re not taking her from you, heaven forbid. We would like Bubbles to come inside and meet everyone. If there’s an emergency, staff won’t have the time to keep her out of the way, and we don’t have a kennel. Once the night staff takes over, she must go home. We’d like to start with you bringing Bubbles when you come in to volunteer.”

  “Oh.” Katherine sighed with relief. “She’s with us now. Want to give it a try?”

  “Not so fast, there’re a few things I have to know. Does she jump up on people?”

  “She doesn’t, and I can vouch for that,” Leandra said. “I rocked up this morning at Katherine’s place and, though Bubbles didn’t know me, she behaved perfectly.”

  “She’s never jumped up on me or anyone she comes in contact with,” Katherine added.

  “Great, we’ll give it a try. Bubbles needs a good brush before every visit. The board members almost came to fisticuffs when some wanted her shampooed before she set foot in the place. Of course, that’s a ridiculous idea in the middle of winter.”

  “I wouldn’t know where to begin.” Katherine looked back through the window at her car, hoping Bubbles wasn’t eating the upholstery.

  “Just for today, bring her in as far as the reception doors. I’ll get Peggy. No doubt everyone will want to say hello. Hopefully, Bubbles will learn to visit everyone, even if they’re infirm. What do you think?”

  “I’m speechless. It’s brilliant! Bubbles has a job.” Katherine leaned across the small settee and hugged Aileen. “I bet you had something to do with this?”

  “Just a bit. I Googled Newfoundland dogs before I took the idea to the board. I made copies of the information and handed them out to members. I also told them what a difference it had made for Peggy and how everyone’s quality of life would improve. Of course, it helps that several board member have pets.”

  The meeting and greeting over, Peggy in happy land because she’d see her Bubbles regularly, Katherine hustled her dog and Leandra back into her car.

  “Thank heavens you don’t have to wash this mountain of wool. You’d have to dry her, otherwise she’d freeze and … I don’t know, but that doesn’t sound good. I’m sure they don’t wash Huskies in the Arctic.”

  Before Katherine knew it, it was Friday. She’d spent two days getting to know Bubbles and the Spruce Valley Lodge routine. Shopping with Leandra was a giggle-fest. She finally buckled under her friend’s relentless prodding and bought matching lace bra and panties, arguing the whole time that nothing was going to happen.

  She tried to relax in a warm bubble bath, but Bubbles sat on the bath mat looking at her with those soft brown eyes.

  She ruffled her dog’s ears. “What’s up, you think I’m going somewhere? Well, you’re right. I am.” She laid her head against a folded towel and closed her eyes. “Don’t look so worried, you won’t be alone. Leandra’s coming to doggy-sit you.” The warm water lapped her breasts. “Ah, heaven,” she sighed. Trouble was she couldn’t stop her mind from bouncing around and reflecting on the day’s events. She tried focusing on something else, something exciting. Exciting? Jack immediately came to mind. Damn, that didn’t help at all. She struggled to ignore her inner feelings without success. This passion for Jack was a new experience. Just the thought of him caused a flutter high in her chest that frolicked all the way down to her belly and beyond. This had been going on since the moment he’d appeared during the snowman’s demolition. And she knew it wasn’t going to stop any time soon.


  She inhaled sharply and looked at Bubbles. “He’s so yummy, sexy, I want to crawl into his clothes while he’s still in them.” She slipped under the bubbles, trying to stop her overactive mind. But it cartwheeled from Jack to the dusty, old tin with the bundle of love letters inside. She slid to the surface, blinking water from her eyes, marvelling at her mother’s keeping her dad’s love letters all this time. They were the happiest couple she’d ever come across. Should she ask her mum first if she could read the letters? Yes, better do that. Otherwise it’d be like reading someone’s diary.

  The pads of her fingers and toes had wrinkled. She rinsed off and pulled the plug. Bubbles peered over the bathtub rim at the gurgling plughole. Katherine grabbed a clean towel, wrapped it around her, and demisted a section of the mirror. She looked herself in the eye.

  “No,” she told her streaky image, “there’s nothing happening with Jack that you can’t deal with sensibly. Sure, you’re attracted to him—okay, a little more than attracted—you lust after him, and who in their right mind wouldn’t? And he’s probably attracted to you,” she wagged a finger at her image, “but that doesn’t mean the whole evening has to spiral out of control, does it?”

  That settled, she padded into her bedroom and jiggled her breasts into her black lace bra. She wriggled her bottom into the matching panties and hauled on a pair of satin top, sheer black tights. She slipped into her favourite fashionably short, black velvet dress. An insert of beaded black lace accentuated the soft roundness of her breasts and creamy skin; it made her feel daring but classy.

  The front door opened and closed. “Hi ya. I’m here!” Leandra sang out.

  “Bubbles, wait!” Katherine yelled, hurrying after her.

  Her back plastered against the wall, Leandra yelled, “Shit! I mean sit!” She pointed, and Bubbles obeyed.

  “Will you be all right alone with my vicious guard dog?” Katherine asked.

  “You kidding? Look how much she adores me. I can make her doing anything. Lie down.” Tail wagging, Bubbles blinked a few times. “Drop.” Leandra ordered with a downward wave of her hand. “Roll over and play dead. See, you just need to know the correct commands.”

  “I can see you have total control,” Katherine said, tongue-in-cheek.

  Eyes wide, Leandra scanned Katherine’s dress. “Ni-i-ice.”

  “Thank you. Will you stop that thing you’re doing?” Katherine said, pointing her finger at Leandra’s I-know-what-you’re-going-to-do expression. “No, we’re not going to.”

  “Hey, I said nothing about sex.”

  Katherine pursed her lips and changed the subject. “Which shoes?” She held up two pairs and frowned at the stilettos. “Elegant black leather pain or boring black suede comfort pumps? Oh what the hell, I’m over pain.”

  “Don’t you dare, pain is a girl’s best friend,” Leandra said.

  “Fine, stilettos then. Whatever’s in the bag smells delicious.”

  “Teriyaki chicken and stir-fry vegetables. Want some? I brought enough,” Leandra asked on her way to the kitchen.

  “Sure, I’ll have a taste.”

  Katherine made a last check in the mirror, brushed her hair, applied a touch of make-up to accentuate her blue eyes, stroked glossy red
lipstick on her mouth and dabbed perfume on her neck and wrists.

  “There’ll be no hanky-panky with Mr Hotty,” she said to her reflection.

  A knock on the door, followed by Bubbles’ barking, made her jump. Jack! Oh god, Jack was here to take her dancing. She should’ve said, Thanks, but no! “I’ll get it, please keep Bubbles in the kitchen!” she called out to Leandra and winced at the sound of crockery being bashed about. Butterflies frolicked in Katherine’s stomach, and breathing was difficult. This was worse than first-night jitters. She hurried to the vestibule, took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and thought, Keep it platonic!

  Katherine pulled the door open. “Eric!” She recoiled. Disappointment and a germ of doubt flared—where was Jack?

  “I’m glad to see you’re ready to go out.”

  “Yes, but not with you! Who the hell do you think you are?! I have a really big dog that …” Oh, real mature, Katherine. “Stop invading my privacy, you idiot!” She took a deep breath, fisted her hands and yelled, “Get lost, you miserable creep!”

  Back in the kitchen, Bubbles growled and barked, deep and threatening. She vaguely heard Leandra softly crooning to quieten her dog.

  “See!” Katherine hissed, and squared her shoulders. “Big dog.”

  Eric’s face darkened. She’d seen this reaction before when something didn’t go his way. No hiding it tonight; he was too busy being arrogant.

  “After all the trouble I took, freezing my arse off to build you a surprise snowman, with my card. And do you even care how much it costs to get roses in December? Of course you’re going out with me.”

  “I burnt the lot,” she said, hands on hips.

  Disbelief soured Eric’s expression. “Burnt the roses—yeah, right.”

  “Think whatever you like. You will, anyway.” Katherine turned to go back inside.

  “If you think you’re going out dressed like that without me, you don’t know who you’re dealing with. You know I’m the only man for you. I thought you’d at least ring me with arrangements. Come on, the taxi’s waiting.”

  Hearing the crunch of footsteps on the snowy path, Katherine turned. “Jack!” she exclaimed, relieved and elated he was here.

  There was no mistaking the calm yet powerful aura that surrounded him as he strode up the steps towards her. “Good evening, Katherine,” he said, sexily drawing out her name.

  God help me. There was no stopping her wayward mind. He looked so good in a black dinner suit and overcoat. His aura had a commanding sense of self that made her feel safe and secure.

  With just a look, Jack Riley shattered Eric’s self-absorbed universe.

  A few snowflakes had fallen onto Jack’s hair and shoulders. Katherine had to resist the impulse to brush them off, as if he belonged to her.

  Heart thumping, she watched two grown men mentally circle each other.

  “Who’s this?” Eric demanded, yet his tone had become wary.

  “Ah, you must be Eric,” Jack said coolly. He held out his hand to the scowling man. “Jack Riley.” Shoulders squared, Jack held Eric’s hand a little longer than necessary and something unsaid passed between them. Eric stood mouth open, confused, and showed no signs of moving. Katherine’s discomfort grew as fisticuffs at dawn sprang to mind. Then Jack let Eric go, took one deliberate step forward and pulled Katherine into his embrace. Surprised, her hands landed on his warm chest. She met his amused yet smouldering gaze.

  “You look ravishing tonight, Kate.” His deep voice hummed under her fingertips, adorably shortening her name.

  Faintly, she heard Eric’s, “What the hell?” as Jack’s mouth fell on hers, driving all thought out of her mind with a gentle kiss that left her unconcerned about everything.

  Muttering obscenities, Eric stomped off.

  With a sigh, the world around Katherine fell away and she drifted into the deepening kiss. He gathered her closer. Safely cocooned by his embrace, Katherine relished his soft, warm lips exploring hers. She melted deeper and deeper into this man, dreamily dissolving …

  With his arms still firmly wrapped around her, Jack slowly eased back. Still touching her mouth with his, he said, “You’re beginning to shiver. It’s all right, Kate. He’s gone now.”

  “Really?” The spell hadn’t broken yet; that would take a bucket of ice water. Katherine blinked at him. His chest rose and fell rapidly under her palms. “What—who’s gone?”

  “Eric. Eric’s gone.” Jack’s mouth curved into a soft smile.

  “Oh yes, of course. I get it.” It was painstaking, but she finally came to her senses. “You—me—the kiss was for um—to um—help me out. Thanks,” she nodded and tried to stop from shaking.

  “I would have kissed you regardless.” His sensuous voice rippled down her spine.

  “Oh,” she whispered.

  “I would’ve happily continued, but to take advantage was … out of the question.”

  “No! I mean yes.” Oh, for shit’s sake. She sounded like a twit. She took a deep breath and tried again. “Please come in before we both freeze.” She found it hard to make her legs move. Her knees felt queer—rubbery, but nice in an odd way.

  “After you,” Jack said, gently placing his hand on the small of her back. “You and your dress are stunning.”

  “Thank you.” She led him to the living room fire, hoping her brain would pop back into her skull.

  He shrugged his coat off and tossed it over an easy chair just as Bubbles shouldered her way out of the kitchen, paws sliding sideways as she pulled Leandra, skiing on socked feet, behind her.

  “G’day,” Jack chuckled, “that looks like fun.”

  Seeing Bubbles head straight for him, Jack braced himself. She stopped short, allowing Jack to rough her up a bit while she wriggled with happiness. Katherine laughed; Jack was enjoying having fun with Bubbles.

  “Jack, I’d like you to meet Leandra Paige. We’ve been like sisters since schooldays.”

  “Nice to meet you, Leandra.” Jack straightened and extended his hand.

  Studying him, Leandra took his hand.

  Katherine waited for the look she would get any moment.

  Leandra let go of Jack and, eyes bright, turned to face Katherine.

  Her expression said it all. She likes him, Katherine thought. There was no mistake.

  “We just met Eric outside,” Katherine said. “He assumed he was taking me to the dance. Can you imagine?”

  In a flash, Leandra’s expression changed from delight to disgust. “Where is he?” she hissed.

  “He took off. It’s below freezing out there, so he can’t hang around,” Katherine studied her friend. “You want to come with us? We’ll wait.”

  “Heck no! But thanks anyway. I’ve got Bubbles. She growled at Eric.” Leandra peered down at the dog. “Her voice rumbles like thunder. You’re a good girl,” she said, slapping the dog’s thick coat.

  “Are you okay … warm enough?” Jack asked Katherine, inclining his head to get a better look at her.

  “Quite warm, thanks.” Hot, even. Katherine gave him cheeky smile.

  While Jack was busy gazing at Katherine, Leandra gave her a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look and mouthed, “Does he have a brother?”

  Katherine shrugged, and in her peripheral vision she noticed Jack turn his attention to Leandra.

  With wide-eyed innocence and a backward wave of her hand, Leandra quipped, “I’ll just go and piss off then.” She grinned, and urged Bubbles to follow.

  Once again Jack faced Katherine. She followed his tender gaze that slowly drifted over her face. Perhaps he wanted to commit to memory everything about her for when he left the country. But that was daft and she knew it.

  “The flames … your hair.” He brought his hand near her face, but let it drop before touching her. “I hope you didn’t take offence earlier?” he said, sounding uneasy. Katherine gave him a confused look and he added, “The impromptu kiss outside? It worked like a charm, though.”

  “My word
it did.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat. It may have started out as a signal for Eric to leave, but it had quickly changed to something else for her. And for him? “Thanks for stepping in. Eric was becoming hostile.”

  “My pleasure. Er … happy I could help.” He smiled and shook his head. “Sorry, this conversation is getting weird.”

  “It is a little. It’s okay, I know what you’re saying.”

  “Okay, let’s start again. Great dress you’re wearing.”

  “Thank you. Top suit.”

  “Thanks, it’s hired from Bucks Only. Men only and cash only.” He shook his head and chuckled. “When I threw my gear into a case, it never occurred to me I’d need a suit.” Jack’s strong fingers rubbed the side of his face.

  Movement of his broad hand along the clean line of his jaw drew Katherine in. On impulse, she leaned in and kissed his cheek, closing her eyes, lingering for a moment to enjoy the smooth skin of his clean shave against her lips. Realising what she’d done, her eyes snapped open. She came back to her senses just as Jack gathered her fingers into his. He said nothing and simply stood in the soft firelight, gazing at her with a quirky smile on his face.

  “Hmmm, smooth—your shave, that is,” she whispered, pulling herself away. “Um, how’s your dad?”

  “Spoke to him last night. He’s finding it hard to sleep, but he’s all right,” Jack nodded.

  “And your search?”

  “The dozens of people I’ve spoken to in the last few days are making my head spin. And I’ve only just started.”

  “You should take notes.”

  “I do, if it looks like a possible lead.”

  “We’d better get going.” What Katherine needed was some bracing fresh air. “Where did you park the car?” She could swear Jack looked hesitant for a couple of seconds.

  “I parked at the side of the road. Since the car isn’t mine and came with the house, I didn’t want to risk losing it down your driveway. Hope you don’t mind the walk.”