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Finding Elizabeth Page 18

  “Yeah, thanks, Jack,” Dave said.

  “I’ve got a room upstairs, I’ll walk you out,” Leandra said.

  Jack took Katherine’s hand and excitement tickled in her chest. It made her giggle, then laugh; Jack was taking her home.

  Leandra stopped and turned. “Are you tipsy?”

  “Who me? Nope.”

  “I think you’re on something,” Leandra winked. She gave her a goodnight kiss and said quietly, “Take a chance with Jack. Have hot sex, and lots of it.” She stepped back, grabbed Dave’s hand and hauled him into the lift. She pounced, planting her mouth on Dave’s surprised face and wrestling him to the wall just as the doors closed.

  Katherine’s jaw dropped as they disappeared from view.

  “Dave has finally met his match,” Jack said, grinning.

  Katherine snuggled into the leather seat as Jack drove carefully along the Trans-Canada Highway back to Spruce Valley. They were silent for a while as the car purred effortlessly through the quiet white world outside.

  The glow from the dashboard and passing cars enabled Katherine to study Jack’s profile. She loved the way his brow furrowed in concentration while driving, the way his hands worked the steering wheel. The realisation hit her, she wanted him. A tingle flowered in her chest and, with a sizzling rush, took over her entire body. She gasped. She wanted to crawl inside his shirt, feel his skin, wanted to be part of him.

  Jack placed his warm hand on her knee. “Are you okay? My driving making you nervous? I’ve kept an eye out for moose.”

  “I did notice. Your driving skills are fine. Even one handed.”

  “Want me to take my hand away?”

  “No, unless our lives are in danger.” She caressed Jack’s cheek with the back of her fingers and drew in a deep breath, committing to memory his essence, the fresh smell of him. She slipped her hand beneath his coat and found his shirt buttons, undoing them, enjoying great satisfaction in the sharp intake of his breath as she caressed his skin. Her fingers tingled as she dared to reach further, brushing her hand lightly over his nipples.

  “That’s far enough,” Jack breathed. “We’ll end up in a snowdrift.” He glanced at her in the light from the dashboard, and his expression related all manner of sensual promises. “Since I can’t take my hands off the wheel, you have to wait.”

  “Spoilsport,” she said, and flashed him a wicked smile.

  He laughed shakily. “We’ll be home soon, unless you’d like to stop somewhere now? I’m game.”

  A thought flashed through her mind of snowploughs, torches shining through car windows and police officers asking if the frozen couple needed help.

  “If it was a summer’s night, I would take you up on that suggestion,” Katherine murmured seductively. “Where’re we going?”

  “Your place,” Jack said, and took a deep breath.

  Jack parked across Katherine’s blocked driveway, far enough off the street not to be a problem for snowploughs. He strode around the car to open the passenger door, and held out his hand. The moment she was on her feet, he pulled her against him. Without taking his eyes off her, he slowly dipped his head, leaned in for the kiss, but stopped at her mouth. “Now that we’re here, I need to know if this is what you want?” His lips brushed hers, teasing her to the point of breathlessness.

  “More than anything.” And he kissed her—hot and hard, melting her bones. Her knees buckled and she leaned into him. He scooped her up and waded through the piles of snow to the cabin.

  The moment Katherine opened the door Bubbles was there, sniffing and warbling like a happy hound.

  “Stay right there and don’t move,” Katherine told Jack.

  “Wait … bathroom?”

  “Down the hall, second on the left.”

  “Bubbles, here girl, I’ve got a nice chew bone for you.” She went in to the kitchen, gave Bubbles her treat, telling her to stay on her bed, washed her hands, took a deep breath and went back to the living room.

  Jack was waiting for her, hands in his pockets. God he looked sexy in his purple suit.

  With every slow step closer to him, Katherine’s arousal grew. He’d taken off his overcoat and loosened his bow-tie. Wanting this moment to last made her legs turn to jelly. She slipped her coat off, threw it over the settee and kept walking. Her eyes never left his. He took two steps and suddenly he was right in front of her. His gaze slowly shifted, taking in her hair, face, neck and breasts. Her fingers tingled with wanting to touch him. Her breath quickened. His hands cupped her face. They smelt like soap. “You found the bathroom?”

  Jack smiled.

  That did it. The sensuous heat, the rush, that smile was too much. They were at each other, frantic hands searched for the fastest way to strip each other bare, while his kisses and nibbles made her gasp.

  Jack eased back, murmuring low. “I want you naked.”

  “Yes, please.” Katherine yanked his purple jacket down over his shoulders. Mouth planted on hers, he tossed his jacket aside. With a sharp whisper of silk, she slipped off his bow-tie and tossed it. It dangled from a branch on the Christmas tree. “Kate … Kate …” he whispered. His hands slid around her waist and pulled her in to him. He caressed her back, fingers searching. “Where’s the zip?”

  They stumbled down the hall. She grabbed Jack’s shirt and yanked it off him. He peered over her shoulder while stripping off his shirtsleeves, looking for the elusive zip.

  “Forget the zip.” Katherine hauled the hem of her gown up as far as her arms would reach. She heard him purr like a big cat. “Don’t kiss my belly button!” she danced and wriggled.

  “Really, are you sure? What if I lick it?”

  She could feel his warm breath on her stomach and she squealed. “Yes—I mean no, don’t kiss me or lick me anywhere—I’m stuck! Pull my dress up—pull my dress up!”

  He yanked it over her head and tossed her dress aside.

  Hair every which way, Katherine quickly brushed it off her face, then jerked his pants down over his hips. Jack kicked them aside. She took pleasure in his hard, tanned body free of constraints.

  “I want you now.” Her voice shook. “I want you fast.”

  “I can be fast, just watch me,” he said, his voice husky, taking her mouth and slowly running his tongue along the silky underside of her lips. Katherine’s legs went limp, and a delicious heaviness pooled below her navel. A trail of underwear led to the bedroom. “You drive me nuts,” he grated low.

  “Not my fault,” Katherine murmured. Seductively licking her lips, she pushed him down on her bed. A cloud of feather-down quilt puffed up around them.

  “Are you cold?” Jack asked, reaching up to nibble her earlobe. “You want to get under this?” he patted the quilt.

  “Good idea, you’re shivering.” Katherine scrambled towards the pillows. Jack followed and nipped then kissed her retreating bottom. She lifted the quilt and they dived under.

  Lifting a mountain of feathers, Jack pulled her in close and murmured, “Come here.”

  Desire surged in the pit of her stomach, and in an instant the need to have him pulsed between her thighs. She trembled.

  “Now you’re cold. I know the perfect way to get warm.”

  “Show me.” Hands splayed, he caressed her body. “Oh yes … that is good, don’t stop.”

  His soft mouth and tongue trailed from her earlobe to neck, to the crook of her elbow and made her lose her breath. His beautiful strong hands stroked down her back and squeezed her bottom. Instinctively, she arched towards him. She revelled in the feel of his muscles that curved in long bands down his arms and legs. It was her turn to sigh. Gently, Jack cupped her breasts, his thumbs softly stroking, circling her nipples. She gasped and a thrill flashed from her nipples to her groin. He inclined his head, and licked one rosy bud then the other. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply while her fingers luxuriated in the softness of his hair.

  She pushed him down and straddled him. His breath skipped. She stretched her lo
ng legs out behind her and lowered herself, pressing her stomach against his erection. A low sensual moan left his throat. He rolled her over. The quilt bunched up on one side exposing the other to the cold night air. “Pretend you’re on a tropical island,” he said and kissed her while yanking at the quilt to cover them. “It’s hot and …”

  “Shut up, I am hot.”

  “That’s good.” Little by little, Jack slid inside her. The deeper he went, the more aroused she became. She allowed herself the pleasure of a long moan as her core tightened around his erection. Her fingers and toes tingled. She raised her feet and placed them flat on the mattress. Now able to meet his thrusts, she enjoyed every sensation.

  Katherine pressed herself harder against him. Jack picked up on her cues; his rhythm and strokes became faster. It was the beginning of her climax. He pressed in, rolling his hips against her sensitive nub, and she was lost in pure ecstasy of throbbing, tingling pleasure. Katherine cried out with every breath and every beautiful spasm erupting between her thighs and throughout her body. Jack’s pulsing climax made the last moments magical. They both cried out. She clutched her legs around his hips. Jack buried his head in the crook of her neck, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

  He took his weight on his elbows, and Katherine relaxed her legs. Gradually, their breathing returned to normal. He gazed at her, the biggest grin spreading on his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, gently stroking locks of dark hair away from her forehead.

  “Never felt better,” Katherine laughed as the afterglow kept on … glowing.

  “I love the way you laugh.” Jack dipped his head and gently sucked on her earlobe.

  “Before this feeling evaporates, can we do it again?” Katherine asked.

  “And what makes you think it will? It will never evaporate. I’m yours …”

  She touched his lips with a silencing finger. “Stop talking and give it to me slow.”

  “I’ll give it to you any way you want.”

  In the early hours of the morning, they lay in each other’s arms under a mountain of feather-down quilt. Her back against his chest, she snuggled into his hips. Her breathing slowed, and her body relaxed.

  “Goodnight, sleepy head.” Jack lifted himself up and kissed her.

  “Will you be here in the morning?” she managed to ask. “You’re not going to leave?”

  “Hell no! I’ll be here. I’ll make you breakfast.”


  Jack curled his body around her back and slipped his arm across her waist. Contentment filled Katherine. Smiling she fell asleep with the thought, He loves the way I laugh.

  After breakfast, Jack left to do more research at the Spruce Valley municipal office. Katherine took Bubbles with her to the first exercise classes for the elderly. She had morning coffee with Peggy and Bubbles. Later they would do the rounds and visit those with less mobility.

  As Katherine neared the recreation room, she could hear her class getting ready. She walked in and welcomed the energetic crew of various ages and ability.

  “Good morning, everyone, I’m Katherine Bell, and we’re going to have fun. Before we start, please never go beyond your limits. We don’t want any injuries.”

  The group were shaking their heads, straightening their clothes, and murmuring, “No no, we wouldn’t, would we.” They had dressed for the occasion in sneakers and sweats, which hung off some in drooping folds. A bit like their skin, God love them. Curiously, some ladies wore pearl necklaces or pretty beads. To Katherine, it was a privilege being there, to help them regain strength and balance, and have fun.

  “You’re not going to play the ballet stuff, are you?” a man called from the back.

  “No, how about a little Latin American, say The Buena Vista Social Club?” Some knew the music, and then some didn’t. “For a warm up, I’ll start with an easy number called ‘Siboney’. Line up, please, and give yourself plenty of elbow room.”

  After much foot shuffling and muttering, they were ready. “Excellent.” Katherine showed them a few simple exercises. She pushed the play button on her portable player, and everyone in the group cheered. Katherine began with the movements, urging them to follow her example. A motley assortment of arm waving and foot tapping soon resulted in mayhem. The group began to partner off and dance with each other. They were having a ball, and she wasn’t going to stop them. An elderly gentleman, the only one without a partner, headed towards Katherine, his step spritely for someone of his age.

  “May I have the honour?” he said, hand out. “I’m Richard Fellows.”

  “I would love to, Richard.”

  He placed his hand on the small of her back and swept across the hall with grace and style, his movements fluid.

  “You’re a ballroom dancer,” Katherine said.

  Richard gave her the biggest grin; he smiled so hard his eyes almost disappeared in wrinkly folds of freckled skin.

  “Why haven’t you banded together and formed a dance group? You obviously love it.”

  “But we do, twice a week. We thought a little exercise would help as well. I guess the music got us all worked up.” He wheeze-laughed.

  It was after two when Katherine headed back into town and Millie’s grocery store. She tied Bubbles’ leash loosely to the bench outside, told her to sit and wait, and hurried up the steps into the store. Bubbles whined and barked the whole time she was gone. Ten minutes later, Katherine headed down the steps with her bag of groceries.

  “What do you think you’re doing!” she yelled at the idiot who had untied her dog and was yanking the leash.

  Bubbles refused to budge.

  “I’m getting my dog back. Come on, you stubborn, smelly …”

  Bubbles leapt forward. The idiot went flying and landed on his arse. Bubbles jumped, landing on the man’s chest.

  “Leave her alone!” Katherine ran up and kicked the man in the shin.

  “Ouch! You crazy bitch, get off me! I’ve a good mind to call the police.”

  “Go ahead. They’ll tell you this dog is mine.”

  Passers-by were stopping to stare. Katherine urged Bubbles off. The man scrambled to his feet.

  “Who the hell are you?” Katherine trembled with rage.

  “I’m Stuart Greene. I happened to be passing and saw my dog,” he said, jabbing a finger at Bubbles.

  “How dare you!” Katherine punched him on the arm. “I saved Bubbles from the dog shelter where you left her to rot, you—you bastard! I know all about you, Stuart Greene. You just want Bubbles back to get in your mother’s good books again. Then you’ll quietly get rid of this loving girl. Get out of my way and out of my sight.” Katherine pushed between Stuart and Bubbles, snatched the leash and stormed off without a backward glance. “No one is taking you from me—okay?” Katherine stopped, hunkered down, threw her arms around Bubbles and buried her face in her thick fur. “And pay no attention to that idiot, you smell lovely. Come on, let’s go home.”

  She looked down the driveway and thought she really must do something about clearing a way to the garage before her mother came home. She lugged her groceries down to the back door and let herself in.

  Through the open door between the mud room and kitchen, she saw Leandra sitting at the table, hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. “Lea, I wasn’t expecting you to surface for …” Katherine shrugged, “I don’t know, days.” She toed her boots off, went into the kitchen and dumped her shopping on the table.

  “The phone rang while you were out. Our mums are on their way home.”

  “Brilliant, they’ll be home for Christmas.” She slid an arm around her friend and kissed the top of her head. “You want to come with me when I pick them up?”

  Leandra wiped tears from her face. Bubbles went to her side and lay her head in Leandra’s lap.

  “What’s wrong—how long have you been sitting here like this?” Katherine hauled Leandra out of her chair and held her until the sobbing stopped and the hiccups began. “Talk t
o me, Lea. Where’s Dave?”

  “He’s on the phone to his boss,” she said. And blew her nose. “Anyway, not my problem.”

  “What isn’t your problem? And why are you here looking miserable if it’s not your problem?” Katherine asked.

  “I don’t like it when people change their goals, their life—for me. I wouldn’t do it.”

  “Dave?” Katherine asked.

  “Yeah, Dave. He wants to freelance,” Leandra snapped. “Talk him out of it please.”

  “I barely know him. I have no business talking to him about his choices. Dave’s a big boy, he can make up his own mind.”

  Leandra rolled her eyes.

  Katherine rolled hers. “Come on, give. All of it.” she said, and lowered herself to sit beside Leandra.

  “Dave and I have had each other in our sights for a few years now, and there has to be a reason for that, but now I’m scared.” Leandra’s mouth trembled. “This is serious. Dave wants to be with me, but he hasn’t once said how he feels, just that he wants to move in.”

  “And you don’t want that?”

  “How do I know? What if he gives up his career, his life, and it doesn’t work out? I don’t want that on my conscience.”

  “No, because you do like him a lot, and aside from not wanting to see Dave hurt, you don’t want him to risk his career over you.”

  “My love life has always ended in crap.”

  “Jack said Dave’s a big boy. He’s had his share of women—”

  Eyes wide, Leandra prodded her with a finger. “Exactly!”

  “But,” Katherine continued, “I think that’s partly your fault because you constantly gave him the brush off, so Dave thought what the heck …”

  “Hmm …” Leandra mused, not convinced.

  “And it became a vicious circle. You snubbed him; he couldn’t have you, so he drowned his sorrows and screwed every available skirt. Because that’s all it was, you know—a screw.”

  “Thanks, I think I have that now,” Leandra frowned.

  “I haven’t finished. Remember what you said to me when Jack was outside the cabin chopping wood after I’d destroyed the snowman? You said, so far your dates have been total crap. God only knows what I would’ve ended up with if I hadn’t had ballet—and in your case, skiing. Sometimes you have to believe in fate.” Katherine playfully prodded Leandra. “Come on, where’s my adventurous friend? Dave jokes around, but he admires you. I think he has for a long time, and it must have hurt that you ignored him.”